With each subsequent visit, the instructor will ensure the crew is proficient in the basic emergency drill training before moving on to the next level of complexity. With each visit the complexity of the drill will increase to improve the response skills of the crew. As the crew's skills grow, the instructor will include additional emergency response equipment, add variations to the drill to ensure a more complex response is required, explain and coach on the relationship between the wheelhouse and the engine room and teach the value of good communication in an actual emergency.

After the Basic Emergency Drill Training where each step is coached and controlled by the instructor, the next step is Training Mode. During this mode, the drills are run by the crew and the instructors only stop the drill to correct mistakes or oversights - coaching where they may have missed a step but allowing them to control the pace and the steps of the drill response.

The third step is Evaluation. During this visit the crew is doing the drill almost in real-time, they are close to 100% proficient in emergency response and they are running drills to ensure they are responding correctly for future emergencies.