Training Visit #1

Whether seasoned or brand new, every crew goes through the same training exercise on the first visit. There is no guarantee that because someone has been on the water for 20 years that he handles every emergency the most effective way it could be handled. Therefore the first visit starts on the basic level.

Step #1 - Explaining the flag system

The instructor reviews each of the flags in the flag kit and explains what kind of fire they represent and what kind of environment that fire can become active in.

Step #2 - Explaining the training levels

The crews learn about the three different levels of training

  • Basic
  • Training Mode
  • Evaluation

Step #3 - Training

The instructor walks through the actual drill step by step with the crew members as if they have never done this before. They discussed communication with the wheelhouse, who should be in charge of the emergency response, and what the Health and Safety Plan says about responding to this particular emergency. Throughout this entire process, the instructor maintains control of the drill to ensure the students understand why they are taking the steps required to respond to a certain emergency. Through this entire process, several teachable moments may appear such as why the small oil drip from the engine now becomes a major fire hazard later on..

Step 3A - Training the Master

During this entire procedure, the TBS instructor is also training the Master to run these drills by himself to ensure the same level of drills are being completed when the TBS Instructor is not on the vessel.